Can Law Blog is a blog about Canadian legal issues and how courts have decided them.
David Michaels
David Michaels, J.D., B.Eng., CHRM is a legal blogger (and trained as an attorney) who holds certificates in Canadian Trademark Law (2012) and Canadian Patent Law (1996) from McGill University. He has worked in the area of trademark law in Canada since 1995 and in the USA since 1993. He went to law school in California after graduating with a degree in Aeronautical & Mechanical Engineering from Carleton University, in Ottawa, Canada.
David Michaels is currently a brand consultant, a writer, an eCommerce entrepreneur.
Warning & Disclaimer:
The pages, articles and comments on do not constitute legal advice, nor do they create any attorney-client relationship. The articles are the author’s notes of the state of Canadian law when they were written and should not be attributed as opinions of the author, his employer, clients, nor this website’s sponsors.
The author does not warrant that these notes are up-to-date. Canadian law is constantly changing and it varies between jurisdictions. This website should not be relied upon.